Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

Welcome to dealshake.co (the"Website"). These terms and conditions ("Terms") governyour use of our Website and services provided by Dealshake Limited("we", "us", "our"). By accessing or using ourWebsite, you agree to be bound by these Terms.

2. Use of the Website

  • Eligibility:You must be at least 18 years old to use our Website. By using our Website, you represent that you meet this age requirement.
  • License:We grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable licenseto use our Website in accordance with these Terms.
  • Restrictions:You agree not to:
    • Use theWebsite for any unlawful purpose.
    • Use theWebsite to solicit others to perform or participate in unlawful acts.
    • Violateany international, federal, provincial, or state regulations, rules, laws, orlocal ordinances.
    • Infringeupon or violate our intellectual property rights or the intellectual propertyrights of others.
    • Engage inany conduct that restricts or inhibits any other user from using or enjoyingthe Website.

3. Intellectual Property

  • Allcontent on the Website, including text, graphics, logos, images, and software,is the property of Dealshake Limited or its content suppliers and is protectedby international copyright laws. Unauthorized use of the content may violatecopyright, trademark, and other laws.

4. User Content

  • Submissions:If you submit or post any content on the Website, you grant us a worldwide,non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, and transferable license to use,reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform thatcontent in connection with the Website and our business.
  • Responsibility:You are solely responsible for the content you submit or post on the Website.You agree that your submissions will not contain any offensive, defamatory, orotherwise unlawful material.

5. Privacy

  • OurPrivacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and disclose information thatpertains to your privacy. By using the Website, you agree to the terms outlinedin our Privacy Policy.

6. Disclaimers

  • WarrantyDisclaimer: The Website is provided on an "as is" and "asavailable" basis without any warranties of any kind, either express orimplied. We do not guarantee that the Website will be uninterrupted, secure, orerror-free.
  • Limitationof Liability: To the fullest extent permitted by law, Dealshake Limited willnot be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitivedamages, or any loss of profits or revenues, whether incurred directly orindirectly, or any loss of data, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses,resulting from (a) your use of the Website; (b) any unauthorized access to oruse of our servers and/or any personal information stored therein.

7. Indemnification

  • You agreeto indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Dealshake Limited, its officers,directors, employees, agents, and third parties, from and against any losses,costs, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees)relating to or arising out of your use of the Website or violation of theseTerms.

8. Termination

  • We may terminate or suspend your access to the Website without prior notice orliability for any reason, including if you breach these Terms. Upon termination, your right to use the Website will immediately cease.

9. Governing Law

  • These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the UnitedKingdom, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

10. Changes to Terms

  • We reservethe right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at anytime. If a revision is material, we will provide at least 30 days' notice priorto any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will bedetermined at our sole discretion.

11. Contact Us

If you have any questions about theseTerms, please contact us at:

  • Email:hello@dealshake.co