How we helped Basejam to gain
a 356% increase in the number of conversions using Google Ads.

Growth in conversions
Increase in Impr. Abs top %
Growth in CTR

But don’t just take our word for it!

Check out what our clients have to say about our partnerships.

About Basejam

Basejam is a marketplace that connects companies and venues for organising corporate retreats and team offsites across Europe, helping team leaders instantly message venues on the platform.

They have helped companies such as Netflix, Canva, and Mars organise retreats for hundreds of


  • Tracking under reported metrics in Google Ads and using GA4 events that have a different attribution model with respect to Google ad events
  • Inefficient use of the ad budget due to keywords that had many irrelevant clicks due to broad keyword matches. Only ran bottom of the funnel campaigns (BoFu) without  nurturing and intercepting users on previous stage of the funnel
  • Underutilised assets and images on the website and within the Google ads account
  • Ad copies were quite similar throughout the ad campaigns with under-optimised CTR across the different ads within the campaign  GDPR consent mode wasn’t implemented within the Google ads account
  • Percentage % of the time the ads were shown within the top 4 results on first results page (Impression Absolute Top%)  were limited and under the competitors’ threshold


  • Added native events for Google ads and  maintained  GA4 and secondary events to gather better quality data in order to optimise future campaigns.
  • Doubled down on keywords that worked well, while adding a negative list to utilise the budget more efficiently, increasing CTR and relevancy. We implemented full funnel campaigns and created secondary events to monitor the time spent on specific website pages by the users, ensuring the quality of the users and their intent. We created campaigns that target the middle funnel (MoFu) intent, additional to  the top of the funnel (ToFu), thereby increasing the volume of leads to the platform.Ads were simplified, while we created different ad themes, which increased CTR impression share and ad relevance. This increased the volume of users coming to the website, maintaining the monthly advertising spend that remained unchanged
  • Implemented GDPR with consent mode within the Google Ads account, enabling the storage of information for EU users and allowing the launch of remarketing campaigns.



All of the changes we made within the account increased the volume of conversions by +356% and boosted the Impression Absolute Top % by +90%, indicating that the ads were shown within the top 4 ad results on the first page of search results. Additionally, the click-through rate (CTR) grew by 7.4%.

Despite fierce competition in Google Ads within this industry, we managed to secure more impressions and increased the conversion volume by +356%. We are also constantly working to optimise performance and conduct tests to discover new angles for acquiring users at an efficient cost per acquisition (CAC).

Furthermore, we are aiding in the optimization of landing pages to enhance Google Ads performance, thereby improving the conversion rate. This not only boosts immediate ad performance but also supports long-term SEO alongside paid acquisition.